Ten Percent Happier
June 19, 2023

#611. An Owner’s Manual for Your Body | Juliet and Kelly Starrett

From the way we sit while watching TV to the way we put on our shoes, our days are filled with opportunities to improve our mobility–without getting all sweaty. That’s according to today’s guests, who are here to teach us about some simple ways to keep our bodies durable for as long as possible.

Kelly and Juliet Starrett are the authors of the new book Built to Move: The 10 Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully. Their book covers 10 tests you can do to assess your mobility “vital signs” and 10 practices you can do to improve those vital signs and make your body work better.

In this episode we talk about:

  • What the Starretts see as the shortcomings of “the fitness industrial complex” 
  • What mobility is, and why working on it is different from working out 
  • Why you should practice getting up off the ground without help
  • The importance of your hip range of motion
  • Why the Starretts recommend a minimum of 8,000 steps per day, not 10,000
  • The ‘Old Man Balance Test’
  • The ‘SOLEC test’
  • The Starretts’ recommendations on nutrition, sleep, and breathing

Where to find Juliet and Kelly Starrett online: 

Website: thereadystate.com/

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