#394. Staying Sane at Work | Laurie Santos
It turns out you can call up Laurie Santos and ask about any conundrum and she will respond with a veritable treasure trove of scientifically-grounded relatable wisdom. In this episode, we ask the question: how do you hit the reset button at work? This question can apply to a variety of contexts - maybe you’re leaving a job, looking for a job, starting a new job, or trying to do your current job more mindfully.
Dr. Laurie Santos is a professor of psychology at Yale University and the host of the popular podcast The Happiness Lab. In this episode, she provides a slew of science-backed strategies for hitting the reset button at work, including: increasing our time affluence; challenging our misconceptions about how much we actually dislike work; leveraging the power of ritual in order to draw firmer boundaries around our work; employing a values-based strategy called “job crafting;” and what to do when someone else at work–someone who is not us–succeeds.
This interview was recorded live on Facebook, and Dr. Santos will be dropping a version of the same conversation over on The Happiness Lab podcast. Be sure to check it out!
This episode is part of the Work Life series we are running here on the show. In conjunction with this series on the podcast, we’re launching a Work Life challenge over on the Ten Percent Happier app. We’ll be dealing with issues such as feedback, imposter syndrome, jerks at work, burnout, productivity shame, and more. You can download the app here, or wherever you get your apps to join the challenge for free.
Where to find Dr. Laurie Santos online:
Social Media:
Other Resources Mentioned:
- Ashley Whillans, Time Smart
- Ashley Whillans on the TPH podcast
- Catherine Price, The Power of Fun
- Catherine Price on the TPH podcast
- Tom Vanderbilt, Beginners
- Amy Wrzesniewski, Job crafting
- TPH episode about schadenfreude and muditā
- Sharon Salzberg
- Loving Kindness meditation
- Jamil Zaki
- “How (and Why) to Hack Your Empathy” - Jamil Zaki on the TPH podcast
- “Reversing the Golden Rule” - Jamil Zaki on the TPH podcast
- The four brahmavihāras
- The Second Arrow
- James Gross
- Jerry Colonna, on the TPH podcast
- Brené Brown, on the TPH podcast
- David Foster Wallace