Ten Percent Happier
July 5, 2021

#362 Rethinking Your Relationship to Stuff I The Minimalists + Oren Jay Sofer

We’ve been meaning to tackle our relationship to stuff for a while now. This subject can go deep. It’s not just about decluttering (although that can actually be pretty substantial work); it’s about rethinking your whole life. 

Recently we spoke to a pair of gentlemen known as The Minimalists -- whose names are Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus. They’re perhaps best known for their documentaries on Netflix: “Minimalism” and “Less is Now”. 

They also have a very popular podcast and have written a series of books. Their latest, “Love People, Use Things”, comes out this month (July 2021). 

In this episode, we talk about their powerful and painful personal path to Minimalism; the freedom that they say comes from living with less; how to actually do Minimalism; and the pitfalls of the path. 

And as a bonus pairing, we’ve brought back a 10 Percent favorite, Oren Jay Sofer. Sofer is a renowned Buddhist teacher who has been meditating for nearly a quarter of a century. As part of his training he spent over two years living with less as a Buddhist renunciate and he makes a compelling case for bringing minimalism into the mindfulness practice as well as the benefits of letting go.

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Where to find The Minimalists online: 


The Minimalists on Netflix

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Where to find Oren Jay Sofer online: 


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