Ten Percent Happier
May 13, 2024

The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

Whilst striving for perfection might seem logical on some level, it’s not actually attainable. And the research shows it can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, reduced productivity, and reduced resilience.

Thomas Curran is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and is the author of The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough

In this episode we talk about:

  • The definition of perfectionism – it’s more than just high standards
  • The 3 flavors of perfectionism
  • The surprising findings on perfectionism and gender 
  • Perfectionism VS imposter syndrome 
  • The root of perfectionism 
  • The variables that lead to perfectionism 
  • Thomas’ critiques on capitalism and growth mindset
  • How to actually implement mantras like “progress not perfection” and “embracing good enough”
  • 4 elements to combat imperfectionism 
  • The recipe for achieving inner abundance
  • How to make good work without caring what other people think of you?
  • And parenting and perfectionism 

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