Ten Percent Happier
May 31, 2023

#604. A Three Part Plan for Anxiety | Dr. Luana Marques

The notion of “being your authentic self” might sound like too much of a tired trope, but getting real and stripping away your fears and hang-ups can help you live a more meaningful life. 

In her new book, “Bold Move: A 3-Step Plan to Transform Anxiety into Power”, Dr. Luana Marques shares her story about growing up in chaos and learning early skills of cognitive behavioral therapy that helped her cope with anxiety and live boldly. 

Dr. Luana Marques is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, a former president of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), and a renowned mental health expert, educator, and author.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Luana’s personal story growing up in Brazil and struggling with anxiety as a child
  • What it means to live boldly
  • What is psychological avoidance and the 3 R’s of Avoidance
  • Luana’s three step plan to transform anxiety into power
  • How to be comfortably uncomfortable
  • Why the brain is a faulty predictor
  • Why being bold is not the same as being fearless
  • Why social support is the number one buffer across any mental health issue
  • How aligning your daily actions with your values can help you deal with anxiety 
  • How to identify your values by looking at pain
  • And what Luana means by “being the water not the rock”  

Where to find Dr. Luana Marques online: 

Website: drluana.com

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