Ten Percent Happier
March 20, 2024

The Upsides And Downsides Of Living A More Examined Life | Matt Harris

Do you struggle to fit meditation into a busy life? Check out this candid conversation with Dan’s younger brother, Matt.

Matt Harris is partner at Bain Capital Ventures, where he’s developed an expertise in Fintech, or financial technology. He’s also a father of six incredible children. He is 17 months younger than Dan, to the day. And as you will hear, he likes to make fun of his neurotic brother. In fact, he shows up a lot in Dan's first book, 10% Happier, mocking Dan for his budding interest in meditation.

In this episode we talk about:

-Practical tips from Joseph Goldstein

-The books that have been integral to Matt's process

-Tips on starting a practice. 

-The biggest issues for meditators

-How not to try too hard

-How awareness of the ego impacts work,

-The upsides and downsides of living a more examined life.

Related Episodes:

  • Click here to listen to the previous episodes in our tenth anniversary series. 

To order the revised tenth anniversary edition of 10% Happier: click here 

For tickets to Dan Harris: Celebrating 10 Years of 10% Happier at Symphony Space: click here

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