Common Challenges

How can parents be mindful?

Here are some Ten Percent Happier mindfulness resources you can use when you're experiencing stress or difficulty as a parent.

Use the search function in the app to find related podcasts, meditations and talks or, if you have this open on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier, tap the link.   

Be sure to check out Childproof, our podcast series created to help parents learn how to raise kids without losing track of themselves in the process. In each episode, Yasmeen Khan, a journalist and mom, shares conversations and stories with fellow parents and experts on how to navigate this whole parenting thing mindfully — especially the shifts that happen within ourselves. Because parents are growing too.

Mindfulness Courses

Meditations for Parents

Podcast Episodes

Meditation Teacher Talks

Newsletter Articles

Do what it actually takes to be happier.

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      "text": "Here are some Ten Percent Happier resources you can use when you're experiencing stress or difficulty as a parent. Practice mindfulness meditation as parents to overcome stress.

Use the search function in the app to find the podcasts, meditations, and talks or, if you have this open on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier, tap the link. 

Be sure to check out Childproof, our podcast series created to help parents learn how to raise kids without losing track of themselves in the process. In each episode, Yasmeen Khan, a journalist and mom, shares conversations and stories with fellow parents and experts on how to navigate this whole parenting thing — especially the shifts that happen within ourselves. Because parents are growing too."



